Saturday 5 December 2015

Cm Punk

Born in 1978, Phil Brooks had a hard life growing up on the streets where he was confronted by drugs and alcohol. Instead of giving into them, he turned away from them and decided to join the Straight Edge movement of being Alcohol, Drug and Cigarette free. In his teen years, Brooks become a highly disciplined fighter in kick boxing and karate. Not knowing what to do with his life in his early twenties. Phil Brooks decided to join the Steel Domain Wrestling School and was trained by Ace Steel who instantly become one of his best friends.

Now going by the name CM Punk. He rose up the ranks in the Indy wrestling, where he perfected his craft. Punk started using his real life Straight Edge attitude as his wrestling gimmick and quickly become one of the most famous Indy wrestlers after his memorable matches with Chris Hero, Raven and Samoa Joe [He also become very close friends with Colt Cabana and Eddie Guererro]

Becoming the star of Indy Promotion Ring of Honor. CM Punk was offered a WWE try out, where he fought Val Venis in 2005 on Raw. Later that year Punk was given a World Wrestling Entertainment contract and head off to the WWE.

Sent to WWE's development school. CM Punk quickly become the top star there, and even won there World Championship. Before being called up to the main WWE show.

CM Punk debuted in late 2006 on ECW. Where he remained undefeated for months and quickly become the most popular superstar in the land of Extreme. At the 2006 Survivor Series Punk out shined his partners, by being cheered louder than his partners Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy. One week later he preformed in his first ECW main event at the December to Dismember Pay Per View. In 2007, he nearly won the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania, after defeating King Booker on SmackDown.

This lifted CM Punk up through the WWE ranks high enough to become the top star of ECW. Punk went onto disband the ECW group known as the New Breed, after defeating every single member of the group. Before starting a five month feud with the top bad guy of ECW, the self proclaimed Guru of Greatness John Morrison.

Their rivalry came to a climax in September of 2007 where CM Punk defeated Morrison to earn the ECW World Championship after a hard fought match. As ECW Champion, CM Punk continued to carry ECW, with victory's over Elijah Burke, John Morrison, The Miz, Big Daddy V and Chavo Guererro.

As of 2008, CM Punk is still the main force behind the success of ECW, as he successfully defends his Extreme Championship Wrestling Title.
Luck is for losers, at least according to CM Punk. Even though his arm is literally tattooed with good-luck charms, Punk believes you make your own good fortune through hard work and intense preparation.

Growing up in Chicago, the Extremist’s childhood consisted of watching the likes of “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka exchange words, then blows. Such heated rivalries helped Punk realize that sports-entertainment was where he belonged. Adopting the “straightedge” movement—in which one bases their life around personal development, and avoids drugs, alcohol and a dependency lifestyle–Punk has brought his own style to WWE.

Although the former ECW World Champion is part of a new uprising of younger and fresher talent, he stands head and shoulders above the rest. His style is an assimilation of fighting styles he has learned from his travels around the world including Muay Thai Kickboxing and Brazilian Jujitsu. The WWE Universe quickly took notice and showed their respect for his talents, while he remained true to his legion of ROH followers. Punk went on to defeat ECW Legend, Justin Credible, at the famed Hammerstein Ballroom. In his WWE pay-per-view debut as a part of Team DX, Punk brought down the house in Philadelphia. With each victory CM Punk’s star-power only grew stronger within the realms of ECW.
After winning the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania XXIV, CM Punk was drafted to RAW following the 2008 Draft. Without delay, the summer of 2008 proved to be the Summer of Punk. He cashed in his “Money in the Bank” and captured the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. Punk proved to his fans and skeptics alike that he is a force to be reckoned with. Although he forfeited the title, his good fortune and perseverance garnered a World Tag Team Championship reign with Kofi Kingston. Punk captured a Slammy Award for the “Oh My God” Moment of the Year that year. He went on to defeat the likes of Snitsky, John Morrison, and Rey Mysterio to earn a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, eventually defeating William Regal for the Title.

CM Punk, the “Straightedge Superstar,” as he came to be known–continues to inspire and as the nineteenth Triple Crown Champion, not only is he “better than you,” but he teaches that with hard work, discipline, and dedication to your goals. You too can be better than you.

It’s not surprising that CM Punk cites the radical “Rowdy” Roddy Piper as a childhood influence. After all, Punk is the embodiment of the anti-establishment, whose skill at igniting verbal “pipe bombs” is rivaled only by “Hot Rod” himself.

Punk even looks the part of rebel with his too-numerous-to-count tattoos and body piercings. Yet, he waxes way more philosophical than his exterior might suggest, and has shown a diverse set of interests that include ghost hunting, G.I. Joe and the “Straight Edge” movement, a subculture that rejects the use of drugs, alcohol and a dependency lifestyle.

His in-ring repertoire is an assimilation of fighting styles, all of which were put on full display during his debut in The Land of the Extreme in 2006. Punk then added many accomplishments to his considerable résumé, including the ECW, WWE, World Heavyweight, World Tag Team and Intercontinental Championships.

Punk would become one of the most celebrated WWE Superstars of all time — and did so in spite of the events of 2011, when he assailed Mr. McMahon with his blunt opinions about the business and made a bold promise not to renew his contract with the company. Punk’s criticism struck a nerve with The Chairman who, against his better judgment, granted The Second City Saint a WWE Championship Match at WWE Money in the Bank in the Superstar’s native city, Chicago. Punk not only beat John Cena to win that match, but he also absconded with the WWE Championship as the seconds on his WWE contract ticked down.

Punk agreed to re-sign with WWE weeks later, compelled to return to the ring to prove that he’s the undisputed “Best in the World.” The Voice of the Voiceless advocated on behalf of disenchanted WWE fans who felt the WWE product was in need of a good (roundhouse) kick in the teeth. He became two-time WWE Champion, proving his mettle by defeating the likes of Chris Jericho, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan and other elite Superstars.

As Punk’s WWE Title reign continued to climb, so did his contempt for those who failed to show him the proper level of “respect.” Proclaiming himself a “Paul Heyman Guy,” Punk aligned with the innovator of the original ECW and one of his early mentors as his WWE Title reign grew to become the longest of the modern era.

Following that historic accomplishment, The Straight Edge Superstar continued to challenge even the most lofty of competitors, taking on The Undertaker’s legendary Streak at WrestleMania 29, engaging in a hellacious war with Brock Lesnar at that year’s SummerSlam and battling and somehow defeating all three members of The Shield in a single match on Raw.

With verbal skills that matched his in-ring abilities, Punk cemented himself as one of the most prolific and influential WWE Champions of all time.
CM Punk, one of the WWE's biggest stars, appears to have retired from the company, reportedly telling bosses he is 'going home', being removed from future wrestling events and thanking fans for their 'support' on Twitter.

The wrestler has had numerous run-ins with the promotion's chairman Vince McMahon in the past and it seems an undisclosed straw broke the camel's back on Monday night, with reporting that Punk – real name Phillip Jack Brooks – announced that he was going home ahead of an edition of weekly show RAW.

Punk missed this scheduled appearance and also his next at a Smackdown event in Toledo, Ohio the following day, with his name having now been removed from all future events (bar Elimination Chamber) on the WWE website.

This comes just weeks before the promotion's biggest annual event, Wrestlemania, which will take place in New Orleans on April 6.
Furthermore, Punk has been sending out cryptic tweets to his followers the past week, culminating in the ominous "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool," which came on Monday night and was not in reference to any in-ring action.

UPDATE: WWE has unfollowed CM Punk on Twitter. All a work setting up for a surprise Wrestlemania main event? You decide!

The wrestler's contract with the WWE is due to expire in July and many believe he will not renew it, with Punk previously stating "everything is up in the air" amid fears he is battling injures and generally burning out (or else just angry about Batista's push in the Royal Rumble).

The reports should be taken with a whole vat of salt however, given wrestlers' propensity to announce their retirement only to return at a later date.

Either way, it has not been a good week for the WWE, with former ambassador and wrestling legend Mick Foley tweeting on Monday that he was 'disgusted' with the company after its most recent pay-per-view, Royal Rumble.

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